Wednesday, December 30

Patterns are Totally Overrated

I drive my husband crazy. I get all of these hair-brained ideas of things I can create because I've "seen it somewhere". I get home and try to figure out how to make it, thinking it will take no time at all because it looks so simple. I do this frequently enough that my husband now asks, "Wouldn't it be easier to follow a pattern?" This question usually comes after I've sat at the dining room table trying to sketch out my own pattern (I can't draw), have cut and recut the pieces several times to get them just right (I tend to cut the fabric the wrong direction resulting in me sewing the pieces back together and praying that it won't look too silly), and have unpicked stitches (okay my husband usually does the unstitching for me), the whole process taking several hours MORE than I had planned on.

Yes, it probably would be easier to follow a pattern and sometimes I do: quilts (for the most part), aprons (unless I think a little tweak would make it better), etc. But where is the fun in that?

I decided to make my niece a doll that I had seen on the internet somewhere. "That can't be that hard to make!" I drew up a pattern, realized the legs and arms were WAY too small and made new arms and legs. Then I had to figure out the order of sewing it together. My skills in dishwasher loading (I'm an expert at it - ask anyone that knows me well) came in really handy at that point. I did it the first time without a hitch. Sewing the face on was an experiment. I don't do embroidery, so I just sort of made up a stitch.
Isn't she cute? I hope H likes it as much as I do.
My sister (H's mom) calls her the "Voodoo Doll".


geri said...

She L O V E S it, as do we. I feel spoiled.

Stephanie said...

That sounds way too familiar- Me attempting to "make" a pattern, my husband un-stitching my mistakes, me getting frustrated and vowing to give up on crafts. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one that does this. More and more I'm beginning to think we may have been twins, separated at birth. Hmmm....